Industrial Revenue Bonds | Fort Bend Economic Development Council

The Fort Bend Industrial Development Corporation (FBIDC) may  issue Industrial Revenue Bonds (IRBs)to provide a source of tax-exempt or taxable bond finance for projects involving significant private activity that promote new and existing businesses, encourage employment, and expand the tax base of our community.

Industrial Development Corporations (IDCs) or equivalent bodies whose creation by cities, counties or conservation and reclamation districts is authorized by the Development Corporation Act of 1979. The Fort Bend IDC was created to assist private companies with eligible projects within its jurisdiction.  Please contact Fort Bend Economic Development Council for more information or to begin the application process.

Most cities within Fort Bend County offer incentive packages to qualified companies as well.  Companies are encouraged to contact city representatives for information on what is available in each municipality.

Workforce training and other area and state assistance may be available, and FBEDC staff can direct companies to available local resources.

The FBEDC will assist with other areas and state assistance if applicable.  

Please reach out to the EDC staff at 281-240-0000 or for further information.